- The Music of Life, Hazrat Inyat Khan
- The Practice of Nada Yoga: Meditation on the Inner Sacred Sound, Baird Hersey
- Human Tuning, John Beaulieu
- The Power of Sound, Joshua Leeds
- Through a Dog's Ear, Joshua Leeds
- The Mozart Effect, & Healing at the Speed of Sound, Don Campbell
- Musician for the Brain, Nacho Arimany
- Open Ear Center, Pat Moffitt Cook, PhD
- Continuum Movement, Emilie Conrad
- Open Sky Yoga, Francois Raoult
- Iyengar Yoga, B.K.S. Iyengar
- Ancient Universal Medicine, K. Sonam Targee
- Osteopathy and Cranial Sacral Therapy, Joseph Schmidlin
- www.NiaNow.com